
All the projects funded by the BEST Initiative from 2011-2018 can be found in this brochure. BEST RUP projects are listed in this table.

Regional impact factsheets present the results of the EU BEST Initiative, including LIFE4BEST projects for the Caribbean, Macaronesia, Amazonia and the Indian Ocean.

The regional ecosystem profiles developed under the EU-funded ‘Measures towards Sustaining the BEST Preparatory Action to promote the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity and ecosystem services in EU Outermost Regions, and Overseas Countries and Territories’ can be consulted here: Amazonia, Caribbean, Indian Ocean, Macaronesia.

Additionally, the “Inventory of taxonomic and ecosystem references in French ORs” developed under the BEST RUP programme can be consulted here.

All Regions Amazonia Caribbean Indian Ocean Macaronesia

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SCAN’R – Collective Monitoring of Nautical and Maritime Activities, for the assessment of the risks of exposure of cetacean populations in Réunion to maritime traffic (2020 call)

Lead Organisation:
Groupe Local d'OBservation et d'Identification des Cetacés - GLOBICE

As part of this project, GLOBICE has endeavored to better qualify the maritime traffic generated by different types of vessels operating in the territorial waters of Réunion: large-capacity vessels (cargo ships, tankers, passenger transport vessels, maritime works and recreational vessels) and small-capacity coastal vessels (diving vessels, cruise ships, rental vessels and cetacean observation vessels). SCAN’R […]

39,998.91 EUR


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Co-construction of sustainable management of mangroves through a participatory approach in Mayotte (2020 call)

Lead Organisation:
Naturalistes Environnement et Patrimoine de Mayotte

Mangroves provide a series of regulating services, such as coastal protection and stabilisation, regulation of the global climate or purification of continental waters. In Mayotte, they have regularly been the subject of various studies and plans, but most of the time with a strong institutional component. What makes this project special are the facts it […]

39,555.37 EUR


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Preserving the native birds of Colosse in La Réunion (2020 call)

Lead Organisation:
Société d'Etude Ornithologiques de La Réunion

The three areas of action of the project will contribute to the main objective of conserving biodiversity in the Colosse nature area managed by SEOR. The creation of areas free of introduced predators: the deployment of automatic lethal traps to exterminate rats and capture cages to remove cats will reduce the population of rats throughout […]

39,963.72 EUR


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EDUCOCEAN (2020 call)

Lead Organisation:
Association Abyss

Main objective: “implementation of actions in favor of the conservation of biodiversity and ecosystem services” EDUCOCEAN is aimed at the general public and specifically at young people, considering that they are probably the major players in the development of future requirements for the conservation of species and ecosystems. Even if simple images are enough in […]

39,934.97 EUR


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UTOPIAN (identification of priority conservation areas within the coral reefs of La Réunion island) (2020 call)

Lead Organisation:

Based on the current monitoring networks (GCRMN, reserve effect, DCE, POPMER, Reef Check, etc.), it can be concluded that the coral reefs of Réunion are degrading. However, if these networks allow this negative observation, on the other hand, they do not completely make it possible to locate, qualify and quantify the relictual ecological issues, nor […]

39,979.84 EUR


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Raising awareness on Invasive Alien Species and planting native species (2020 call)

Lead Organisation:
Société Réunionnaise pour l'étude et la Protection de l'Environnement - Réunion Nature Environnement

To meet the main LIFE4BEST objective selected, namely the conservation of biodiversity and ecosystem services, this project aims to put in place concrete actions to fight against Invasive Alien Species (IAS). Réunion Island is home to exceptional biodiversity, and, with the arrival of man, many exotic species were introduced. The invasions have upset the native […]

39,938.82 EUR


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Towards management and conservation tools for sharks and rays in St Martin, French Antilles (2020 call)

Lead Organisation:
Karaib association pou pwoteksion a la nati

This project was built on three complementary axes which are the identity of the Kap Natirel association: “Protect, Learn, Share”. It mainly meets LIFE4BEST’s objective to promote the conservation of biodiversity and ecosystem services, in particular through: – the improvement of knowledge on coastal species of sharks, threatened and/or vulnerable species that play an important […]

39,940.14 EUR


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1,500 trees for Grande-Terre as part of 100,000 trees for Guadeloupe (2020 call)

Lead Organisation:
Association Conseil Environnement Développement Durable ACED

This is a unifying associative project promoting to the general public and schoolchildren the plantation of local species of trees in order to maintain the proper functioning of ecosystems, which is a key element for a better adaptation to climate change. The project started from observations inherent to the LIFE4BEST objectives. Guadeloupe and especially the […]

37,491.09 EUR


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Save the mangroves in 2 steps (2020 call)

Lead Organisation:
Commune du Lamentin

Deposits (waste, embankments) and excess water (rainwater, waste water) in the city-mangrove interface zones have weakened the mangroves to the point that, after cyclone Dean (August 2007), large areas of mangroves did not regenerate naturally – the mangroves no longer had the salinity conditions to regenerate. By mobilizing companies for the monitoring and replanting of […]

39,881.04 EUR


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PLANT’AKSYON – Restoration of seaside flora (2020 call)

Lead Organisation:
Mairie de Saint-François

The ecological studies carried out on the coasts of Saint-François have made it possible to understand the role played by coastal vegetation in the resilience of coasts in the face of rising waters. This initiative has several objectives: improving the status of threatened native species, managing invasive alien species, implementing nature-based solutions to enable the […]

35,775.54 EUR


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Fauna of the lower Approuague: from discovery to dissemination (2020 call)

Lead Organisation:
Maison Familiale Rurale des Fleuves de l'Est

The first result of the project is the initiation of young people from the Maison Familiale Rurale de Régina (MFR) to the principles of nature protection and sustainable development. 40 youths, at least half of whom will be girls, will be involved in the project. The initiation will be conducted in two parts including information […]

18,757.1 EUR


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Nature Sentinels: Citizen, digital and ecological observatory in French Guiana (2020 call)

Lead Organisation:
Guyane Nature Environnement

Uncontrolled dumping of waste, polluting substances, destruction of natural habitats… so many attacks on the environment that citizens regularly witness in French Guiana, without having the necessary means and knowledge to act. The objective of “Nature Sentinels” is to provide Guyanese people with the appropriate tools to move from simple spectators to actors in the […]

39,999.87 EUR


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Rays and sharks in French Guiana: raising awareness, involvement and training of maritime stakeholders (2020 call)

Lead Organisation:
Groupe d'Etude et de Protection des Oiseaux en Guyane

Rays and sharks play an important role in maintaining the balance of marine ecosystems. Due to their status as super-predators, they are located at the top of the food chain and participate in the regulation of all the lower trophic levels. The presence of rays and sharks guarantees the functionality of marine ecosystems and the […]

38,637.49 EUR


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Pripris de Yiyi, support for nature education (2020 call)

Lead Organisation:
Société d'Etude de Protection et d'Aménagement de la Nature en Guyane

The Sinnamary Nature House is a gateway to Pripri de Yiyi. Between land and sea, this mosaic of terrestrial and aquatic environments is the meeting place for a variety of fauna and flora. It is a protected area of ​​the Conservatoire du littoral, classified as a Ramsar zone since 2008. While for a long time […]

39,995.36 EUR


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Eco-Paddler Course “Parcours Eco-Pagayeur” (2020 call)

Lead Organisation:
Cosma Canoe Kayak du Maroni

Located in French Guiana, Saint-Laurent-du-Maroni, through its biogeography and its hydrographic network, is characterized by important biological diversity and habitats. The natural freshwater areas of this municipality are subject to strong anthropogenic pressures, due to its socio-economic context, with in particular a marked demographic explosion. Currently, a lack of awareness of nature protection of the […]

39,887.65 EUR


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Promote the implementation of suitable protection and management tools for the conservation of savannahs (2020 call)

Lead Organisation:
Association Trésor

The project meets LIFE4BEST objectives, mainly those related to the conservation of biodiversity and ecosystem services. This project is consistent with the national strategies, in particular the biodiversity strategy and the strategy for the creation of protected areas. The law for the recovery of biodiversity, nature and landscapes has set the objective of reducing the […]

39,980.85 EUR


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Sea class / “Classe de Mer” (2020 call)

Lead Organisation:
Ocean Sciences & Logistic

One of the underlying causes of biodiversity loss is the unawareness of the value of this biological diversity and of all the services provided by ecosystems. Through an immersion in the marine environment, but also mobilization on a collaborative project, the association wishes to make the participation of young Guyanese people effective and to concretize […]

39,999.01 EUR


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M3C: Madeira Maerl Mapping & Conservation (2020 call)

Lead Organisation:
Associação Madeirense para a Conservação Marinha

The main aim is to create a baseline for the conservation of maerl habitats in Madeira, by assessing its extent, distribution and biological structure. This represents a direct contribution to the main objective of LIFE4BEST, as the set of proposed activities will ultimately promote the conservation of biodiversity and maintenance of the ecosystem services provided […]

39,873.63 EUR


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Conservation of Madeira’s Threatened Endemic Butterflies (2020 call)

Lead Organisation:
Stichting Butterfly Conservation Europe

The project will set up a new local Madeiran Butterfly Monitoring Scheme (maBMS) and meet six of the eight thematic priorities for conservation investment of the LIFE4BEST initiative in Macaronesia. It will deliver significant benefits for local government conservation planning for the target species and for the KBA MAD1 (Madeira Nature Park). The survey transects […]

39,744.9 EUR


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Macaronesian rhodolith beds: factories of carbon sequestration MACRODO (2020 call)

Lead Organisation:
Asociación Biodiversidad Atlántica y Sostenibilidad

During the Best Regional Ecosystem profiling process, local stakeholders perceived ‘Habitat destruction and fragmentation’, resulting from intensive human actions, particularly urban development, and tourism activities, as one of the major threats and pressures over marine biodiversity in the Macaronesia. Hence, they ranked many priorities where MACRODO will contribute. More specifically: 1. This project will certainly […]

39,958.72 EUR

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Puffinus LIFE4BEST Project

Lead Organisation:
Câmara Municipal do Funchal

This bird species, unknown to a large part of the population, is distributed in the North Atlantic where, in small islets and ravines inside the islands (as is the case of Ribeira de Santa Luzia), where they find a safe habitat for nesting. It is in this valley, protected from the predatory action of cats […]

39,860.66 EUR


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Using the endangered Madeira pipistrelle as one of the flagship species (2020 call)

Lead Organisation:
Instituto das Florestas e Conservação da Natureza, IP-RAM

The project intervention area is located within the Madeiran KBA MAD1 Madeira Nature Park, which is one of the designated KBAs for bats in Macaronesia and includes the SAC PTMAD0001 Laurissilva da Madeira. The target species of the project Pipistrellus maderensis is listed as one of the trigger species in the Macaronesia BEST Ecosystem Profile. […]

39,994.99 EUR


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Call for proposals 2020

Lead Organisation:

22 projects have been selected following the second LIFE4BEST call for proposals launched in 2020.


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Call for proposals 2019

Lead Organisation:
See list

18 projects have been selected following the first LIFE4BEST call for proposals launched in 2019.

See list

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Lead Organisation:
Vie Océane

Inventaires faunistiques des Ecosystèmes Coralliens Mésophotiques La Réunion Compris entre 50 et 150 mètres de profondeur, les Ecosystèmes Coralliens Mésophotiques (ECM) représentent des communautés uniques avec des habitats et des assemblages d’espèces distincts des récifs situés proches de la surface. Encore largement méconnue dans le sud-ouest de l’océan Indien, cette biodiversité pourrait constituer une zone […]



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Lutte contre les espèces envahissantes

Lead Organisation:
Mlezi Maore

Lutte contre les espèces envahissantes en forêt de Bénara-Tchaourembo Mayotte Les forêts départementales des Monts Bénara et du Mont Tchaourembo (963,58 ha) comptent parmi les dernières reliques de forêts préservées de Mayotte, cantonnées sur les versants abrupts des monts Tchaourembo, Bénara et Bepilipili. L’inaccessibilité de ces zones a préservé les espèces remarquables présentes dans ces […]

42,013 €


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Agroforesterie et agriculture amérindienne

Lead Organisation:
Réseau des Savoirs de la Forêt

Valorisation de l’agroforesterie et de l’agriculture traditionnelle amérindienne Guyane Française Les communautés traditionnelles, amérindiennes, noirs-marrons ou créoles vivant en Guyane française entretiennent un lien ancestral avec les écosystèmes et la biodiversité locale. Toutefois, des problématiques nouvelles émergent telle que la sédentarisation qui impactent fortement les modes de vie traditionnels de ces communautés. Confrontés aux enjeux […]

44,121 €


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Recherche de micro-chiroptères jusqu’alors non décrits à La Réunion et analyse de la différenciation acoustique

Lead Organisation:
Groupe Chiroptères Océan Indien

Recherche de micro-chiroptères jusqu’alors non décrits à La Réunion et analyse de la différenciation acoustique La Réunion Le projet vise à décrire des espèces de la Chiroptérofaune réunionnaise connues à ce jour uniquement par leurs émissions sonores (voir ci-dessous). Dans ce but, des soirées de prospections acoustiques seront réalisées sur les zones peu ou pas […]

49,976 €

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Lead Organisation:
Mayotte Nature Environnement & et le Centre Universitaire de Mayotte

Assessment of wastewater impact on the lagoon using sponges Mayotte Surface water management in Mayotte is a major issue for the sustainable development of the island. Deficiencies in the sanitation network result in the diffusion of contaminated surface water increasing the risk of anthropogenic pollution in the Maoré Lagoon. Within the legislative framework imposed by […]

48,799 €


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Lead Organisation:
Créocéan OI

3D structure of reefs, pilot study for improving Mayotte’s reef biodiversity management (Structure 3D des RÉcifs, étude pilote pour l’amélioration de gestion de la BIOdiversité récifale de MAyotte) Mayotte Coral reefs represent emblematic ecosystems both in terms of local natural heritage and throughout the Indian Ocean. Natural disruptions and various anthropogenic pressures (tourist traffic, coastal […]

49,969 €


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Espèces exotiques envahissantes en milieux naturels et urbains

Lead Organisation:
SREPEN Réunion Nature Environnement

Sensibilisation du public et des scolaires aux espèces exotiques envahissantes en milieux naturels et urbains La Réunion Considérée comme l’un des dix hot-spots de la biodiversité de haute importance au niveau global, l’île de La Réunion bénéficie d’un label « patrimoine naturel de l’UNESCO » protègeant ainsi 40 % de son territoire. Région à forte […]

42,515 €


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Recensement des pratiques et sensibilisation des usagers de 2 captages d’eau

Lead Organisation:
Fédération Mahoraise des Associations Environnementales

Recensement des pratiques et sensibilisation des usagers de 2 captages d’eau : retenue de Combani et prise d’eau d’Ourovéni Mayotte Le projet vise à contribuer à l’amélioration de la gestion et de l’exploitation de l’eau douce à Mayotte dans la retenue de Combani et la prise d’eau sur la rivière de l’Ourovéni. Situés sur le […]

50,000 €

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Protection et valorisation des mares de Les Anses d’Arlet

Lead Organisation:
Mairie de Les Anses d'Arlet

Protection et valorisation des mares de Les Anses d’Arlet Martinique La ville de Les Anses d’Arlet est une commune très fréquentée par les Martiniquais et les touristes. La préservation de la biodiversité et des milieux naturels constitue pour cette dernière une préoccupation importante. C’est pourquoi la ville s’est engagée en faveur du développement durable, avec […]

36,401 €

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Lead Organisation:

Restauration d’un site littoral dégradé Martinique Le projet a pour objectif la restauration de la forêt littorale de la plage de Vétiver située sur la commune de Case-Pilote en Martinique afin d’améliorer l’habitat de ponte de tortues marines. Il s’agit en effet d’un des sites de ponte les plus importants de la Martinique pour la […]

46,856 €


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Iguanes des petites Antilles

Lead Organisation:
Office National des Forêts - Martinique

Viabilité de la population d’iguanes des petites Antilles de l’ilet Chancel Martinique L’îlet Chancel en Martinique, situé sur la commune du Robert, accueille la plus grande et la dernière population viable d’iguane des petites Antilles de Martinique. Les dernières évaluations estiment la population entre 484 et 713 individus. Cet îlet, malgré son classement en arrêté […]

43,715 €


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Ecolieu pédagogique

Lead Organisation:
Centre De Culture Populaire Ypiranga De Pastinha Martinique (CCPYPM)

Ecolieu pédagogique en faveur de la biodiversité végétale et animale Martinique En plein cœur de Fort-de-France, dans le quartier de Tivoli , le projet d’Ecolieu pédagogique vise à réhabiliter une ancienne friche nichée au sein d’une zone urbaine dense afin d’en valoriser sa biodiversité. Présentant une grande diversité de milieux sur une surface d’environ 6 […]

50,000 €

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Lead Organisation:

Initiatives de protection de la biodiversité de proximité en Guyane Guyane Française La Guyane dispose d’une biodiversité exceptionnelle reconnue mondialement tant du point de vue des milieux (forêts, zones humides, savanes, etc.) que des espèces faunistiques et floristiques qui la composent. Jusqu’à présent, les principales études et communications se sont attelées à mettre en valeur […]

46,875 €


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Conservation des tortues marines

Lead Organisation:
Les Naturalistes de Mayotte

Conservation des tortues marines de la pointe de Saziley par une approche participative Mayotte L’association des Naturalistes oeuvre depuis 20 ans pour la connaissance et la protection de l’environnement mahorais. Les actions de sensibilisation et d’animations pédagogiques constituent une part importante des efforts de l’association. Dans le cadre de ce projet, les Naturalistes travailleront en […]

46,587 €


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Lead Organisation:

Centre de Découverte de la Forêt Guyanaise Guyane française Avec le doublement de la population annoncée pour 2030 les pressions anthropiques vont s’accentuer sur les forêts guyanaises. Il apparaît indispensable de proposer des actions visant à préserver et valoriser ces écosystèmes exceptionnels. Le projet de développement d’un Centre de Découverte des Forêts Guyanaises CeDeFoG, nouvelle […]

49,972 €

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Lead Organisation:
Conservatoire Botanique de Martinique

Un Système d’Information Géographique « flore et habitats » pour la Martinique Martinique La connaissance et la conservation de la flore et des habitats en Martinique est confrontées à plusieurs défis majeurs. Contrairement à d’autres territoires ultra marins (Réunion, Mayotte) et à la quasi-totalité du territoire hexagonal, la Martinique ne possède pas de système d’information […]

49,690 €


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Seabird Macaronesian Sound

Lead Organisation:
Portuguese Society for the Study of Birds (SPEA)

Seabird Macaronesian Sound Azores & Madeira The project will update the information regarding seabird distribution and population size in Macaronesian islands of Madeira and Azores archipelagos (26 potential colonies and 5 seabird species) through low-cost and standardised passive acoustic methodologies. These methodologies have the advantage that they can be replicated filling the knowledge gaps to […]

50,000 €


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Lead Organisation:
Asociación Biodiversidad Atlántica y Sostenibilidad

The Black Coral forests as unexplored biodiversity Hotspots in the MAcaronesian Region: ecosysteM functions and sErvices analyseD Canary Islands

48,958 €


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